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Kaymar Reserveradhalter - Hat jemand eine Anleitung zum Anbau?

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    Kaymar Reserveradhalter - Hat jemand eine Anleitung zum Anbau?

    Ich bin dabei meinen Kaymar anzubauen. Klar, dass nicht alles so passt, wie es sollte.

    Die englische Anleitung ist dürftig. Es sieht so aus, dass ich noch einige Löcher mehr in die Hecktraverse bohren muss...Ist das so?
    Oder hat jemand eine detaillierte Anleitung? Oder Tipps?

    Wenn nicht wir, wer dann?

    AW: Kaymar Reserveradhalter - Hat jemand eine Anleitung zum Anbau?

    Hat sich erledigt!

    Ich habe im Netz was gefunden, zwar nicht für den Defender, aber hilfreich:


    Read 80 Series Auxiliary light instructions to ensure correct fitment sequence.

    1. Remove plastic corner bumperette and mudflap on the left hand side. NB if the vehicle has a genuine Hayman Reese towbar fitted, or alternatively, no towbar at all, the next two steps are unnecessary

    2. If the vehicle has a towbar fitted, which is not a H/R and it comes across to pick up the first two bolt holes in the chassis, the towbar MUST be removed and the 6mm packer welded to the first two holes, on the towbar arm must be removed. The wheel carrier bracket (No. 1) will take the place of the packer.

    3. Line up the No. 1 bracket with the holes in the towbar arm and mark through the bracket onto the towbar arm (see diagram 1) the position of the foremost hole in the No. 1 bracket. Drill this out to ½” dia.

    4. Fit the No. 1 bracket to the chassis using the 12mm x 35 fine thread bolts in the first two holes and the bolt on a wire in the front most hole. Do not fully tighten.

    6. Slide the flat plate with two 10mm nuts and a wire welded on into the chassis. Fit the 10mm bolts and washer through the two holes in the side of the bracket and through the chassis. These bolts screw into the welded nuts in the flat.

    7. Drill a 10mm hole through the original support bracket which covers the top support arm on No. 1 bracket (see diagram 2). Fit using 10mm bolt and nut.
    NOTE: if the vehicle is 10/92 onward model, the original support bracket MUST be replaced with bracket supplied, using original 8mm bolts

    8. Tighten the two bolts through the side of the chassis first and then tighten ALL bolts on the bracket. DO NOT TIGHTEN THE BOLT ON THE WIRE.

    9. Fit the No. 2 bracket over the plastic bumperette, mark and drill through the top two holes to 14mm dia as shown in diagram 3

    10. Fit the plastic corner and mudflap onto the car using all original bolts and screws.

    11. Fit the No. 2 bracket over the plastic corner as previous and loosely fit the two 12mm x 35 bolts into the tapped holes in the No. 1 bracket through the top two holes * Use flat star washers only with these bolts.

    12. Fit the three remaining 12mm x 30 bolts into the three holes underneath. These line up with the No. 1 bracket.
    NOTE: Slowly lower the bottom tailgate to make sure it clears the two bolts fitted in step 11, as some ’80 series bodies are off centre on the chassis

    13. Slide the wheel carrier onto the pivot. Fit the greased bearing, washer and nut. Tension the nut so it is firm (not tight). Fill cap with grease fit split pin and cap. Swing the carrier into the closed position and make sure it is sitting straight and the main bottom rail is parallel with the tailgate. Tighten all bolts.
    14. Swing the wheel carrier into the closed position and fit the lock as shown in diagram 4. It is vital to maintain the 35mm gap for the catch to work correctly.

    15. Mark and drill through the chassis, the four holes for the lock plate. Fit with 4 x 10mm bolts supplied, into the large flat plate which has 4 tapped holes. This must be passed into the chassis form behind and lined up with the four hols in the catch plate

    16. Fit the spare wheel onto the carrier.
    Fit and wire the auxiliary lights supplied. (see auxiliary light fitting sheet)
    If you remove your towbar you can now refit it.
    First – remove the two fine thread bolts from the bottom of the corner bracket and the nut from the bolt on wire.
    Lift the towbar into its original position being very careful to line up the bolt on the wire through the new hole you drilled in the towbar arm. All bolts can now be re-fitted and tightened.

    17. The number plate is to be relocated using the number plate bracket supplied, in the centre of the wheel. Fitting instructions for the bracket and light are found in the yellow number plate light box..."
    Wenn nicht wir, wer dann?

